2009年12月30日 星期三

Flex4 速記

把一些常用的觀念先記下來, 日後有需要的再補上。

- Layout與組件脫離降低耦合度, 能更加靈活運用Layout.
Differences between Flex 3 and Flex 4 beta

- Group / Scroller
Introduction to viewports and scrolling in Flex 4 beta

- State狀態屬性切換更為直覺並增加易讀性
Differences between Flex 3 and Flex 4 beta

- effects : Animate/Transitions
 Effects in Adobe Flex 4 beta

How to use the new CSS syntax in Flex 4

- 雙向資料繫結 two-way data binding
How to use two-way data binding in Flex 4
